THE Henry Boot Tropicana rears its ugly head yet again! Not long to go now before the war ends! I hope the 25,000 people who have objected to this are getting prepared to shout this monstrosity down once and for all

THE Henry Boot Tropicana rears its ugly head yet again!

Not long to go now before the war ends! I hope the 25,000 people who have objected to this are getting prepared to shout this monstrosity down once and for all.

In the recent Tropicana News which was delivered to our doors, we are told we are going to get a Pizza Express! Is Weston ready for this? And Nandos too! Five hundred jobs - wow. And where are all these employees going to park their cars? Ninety five bed hotel - again wow. And all for T4 on the beach! Where are all the people who are going to stay in this hotel going to park their cars? Not on our Beach Lawns! It was very good of Henry Boot to halve the impact on Beach Lawns - better still if they scotch parking on Beach Lawns altogether.

Has our 'beloved' council ever considered the effect so many cars 'toing and froing' to our seafront is going to have on our town? I don't think so. Once and for all Henry Boot - Weston does not need you or your monstrosity and the attendant feature that go with it. I, along with many others, cannot understand our council wanting this modern building spoiling our seafront when not very long ago, they wanted everything to be Victorian! Go and build it somewhere more accessible to people wanting to use it, to say nothing of all the upheaval in the building of it. Has anyone on the council considered what this upheaval will mean to our seafront? I don't think so. Long may commonsense prevail - maybe our council can obtain some of this commodity before October 2.

PAT WILSON - Underhill Drive, Weston