THE recently published results of your survey of opinion on the subject of the Tropicana, even discounting the anonymous comments, was overwhelmingly negative

THE recently published results of your survey of opinion on the subject of the Tropicana, even discounting the anonymous comments, was overwhelmingly negative. A couple were uncertain but hinted at opposition. I too am totally opposed to the Boot proposals in this location. To obtain a better understanding of the proposals I attended the Winter Gardens presentation. It was totally misleading.There was no model (usual excuse 'too expensive'), no plans of the whole (usual excuse 'nobody could understand them' - many of us could - personally I have had more than 60 years experience even disagreeing with an architect. (They wouldn't believe me - the roof collapsed!) And the only computer generated image to include the premises opposite made the proposed height of the tower appear to be only about nine meters tall.A representative told me that it was a montage. Of course it was, but a montage of computer generation. The apparent small size is what a competent photographer could achieve using the perspective distortion of an extra wide angle lens if the monstrosity was built. Any other drawings were very primitive.A questionnaire was handed out to visitors. The wording omitted any questions concerning the design of the proposals. For instance they referred to the creation of jobs. Well, of course it would create jobs but how many would be lost when other businesses collapsed? The same representative told me of all the guarantees contained in the agreement, that they could not in a few years time seek planning permission to turn the hotel into residential. Clauses can always be altered or deleted and if not, should the hotel fail, is Weston to be left with an even greater eyesore for the remainder for the 125 years? Citizens arise! Give Boot the boot!KENNETH F TUCKER - Milton Road, Weston