I ATTENDED the Boot roadshow at the Winter Gardens and was extremely disappointed the displays gave absolutely no indication of the size of the proposed

I ATTENDED the Boot roadshow at the Winter Gardens and was extremely disappointed the displays gave absolutely no indication of the size of the proposed new building.At every stage, in this long-running saga, it has been left to others to superimpose the present building onto each new proposal to give a clear impression and a better understanding of the enormity of what the new building would look like. So, I ask the developers to provide this facility themselves so that supporters and potential detractors alike can properly assess the impact on the seafront. Before the iconic diving stages were demolished some years ago it was possible to see all over Weston from the top board which was 10 meters above the surface of the water. The proposed Boot building would be almost three-and-a-half times that height. It would be enormous! It would also be considerably higher than Carlton Mansions so I would urge Westonians to have another look at that building sited next door to the Grand Atlantic Hotel. The drawings would also seem to have the new building spreading out across the promenade with a large section of the Beach Lawns taken for car parking.No-one can accurately assess the impact of the proposed building on Weston in general and the seafront in particular without the help of a scale model. This could be produced at modest cost and would give everyone a proper understanding of what we are being offered. I cannot see how an informed debate and a proper decision can be reached without it. It would, of course, also show the surrounding buildings to the same scale. Finally, I believe the eventual vote at North Somerset Council should be restricted to Weston councillors on a named-vote basis.JOHN LEY-MORGAN - Elmsleigh Road, Weston