IN Relation to last week's edition with regard to the opening of yet another drug rehab in of all places Whitecross Road, Weston, I read with dismay how the director of Western Counselling Services stated he had been upfront with his application to North

IN Relation to last week's edition with regard to the opening of yet another drug rehab in of all places Whitecross Road, Weston, I read with dismay how the director of Western Counselling Services stated he had been upfront with his application to North Somerset Council to change the use of the premises from guesthouse to offices. Nowhere in his application does it state the offices will be used as a day programme for addicts, but reads that it is for staff and administration. I understand there is a need to help addicts get better, but there is enough in this town already and if Mr Thomas already has five rehabs surely that is enough. This decision is wrong and steps should be taken to prevent this being allowed to continue.MARY TANNERSevern Road, Weston