IF THE enforcement officers from the unitary authority are to be sent out patrolling streets and public spaces to deter dog fouling etc, will they also be imposing the penalties mentioned in your article last week on the owners who for some reason do not

IF THE enforcement officers from the unitary authority are to be sent out patrolling streets and public spaces to deter dog fouling etc, will they also be imposing the penalties mentioned in your article last week on the owners who for some reason do not abide by the rules in Grove Park - that animals must be kept on leads.

I was a dog owner and a responsible one too, but it makes my blood boil when I see dogs running around the park with no lead on and the owners actively throwing balls and sticks etc. Along with this I cannot let my three-year-old boy run around the park for the fear of him getting covered in dog faeces. We have an abundance of open space around Weston for dog owners to take their dogs. Why do a few people have to ruin it for the majority?

My son goes to a local pre-school group and all the parents agree that they cannot allow their children to play in the park as there are too many dogs loose and who knows what would happen if a child was bitten by a dog. Would it be the parents' fault for allowing a child to run free and enjoy themselves or the dog owners for not following a simple request which is clearly on display for them to follow?

I am not on a crusade against dogs. I am simply a parent who cares for his child.


Grove Park Road
