YOUR front page story last week about the £4million cuts to North Somerset's affordable housing budget should alarm us

YOUR front page story last week about the £4million cuts to North Somerset's affordable housing budget should alarm us all.Property price rises in recent years have pushed home ownership out of the reach of many people in Weston and across North Somerset.Your report confirms that 5,000 families are waiting for a place that they can afford to live in, 1,000 of them in desperate need.Those who have been quick to wield the axe, should remember that affordable housing is about people, not buildings.Everyone in our area should have the right to a warm, safe home.The future of North Somerset depends on having a vibrant, mixed community where people can afford to live and get on the property ladder.Do we want to force young families elsewhere to put a roof over their heads - just as we oblige so many to go elsewhere for work?We must ensure that affordable housing is a high priority. It has a key role to play in creating a stronger economy, regenerating our community and promoting social responsibility.MIKE BELL - Prospective Liberal Democrat MP for Weston, George Street, Weston