Few who read this letter can appreciate what an honour it is to have represented the people of Clevedon West. I would just like to convey

Few who read this letter can appreciate what an honour it is to have represented the people of Clevedon West. I would just like to convey my own sense of privilege that I was able to serve them for eight years, as a Labour and Co-operative Party councillor. It was particularly gratifying to have received the numbers of warm comments and well wishes I had from voters on polling day, many irrespective of normal party affiliation or ideology, and quite often even despite it. Many were too nice in their thanks to me for doing after all what was only my duty. It is I who should thank them for granting me the opportunity to serve. I was particularly happy to receive my highest ever vote, an increase of 18 per cent on my previous poll. It only remains for me to congratulate my Conservative opponent, who unfortunately for me in the absence of a Liberal Democrat candidate, did even better! Chanel Stevens - via e-mail