ARE Laurel and Hardy running the council? It feels as though they just might be. The Park Place putting course next to the Melrose car park on the sea front is closed. The grass is uncut and there is no sign of life. What's going on? Elfan Ap Rees said in

ARE Laurel and Hardy running the council? It feels as though they just might be. The Park Place putting course next to the Melrose car park on the sea front is closed. The grass is uncut and there is no sign of life. What's going on?Elfan Ap Rees said in the Mercury recently that he'd put a hold on the concession for the putting course to review things. Presumably this is to allow him time to lift his hat, scratch his head and have a good think. Traders down there have enough to contend with as a result of the beach closure - another brilliant idea in the summer season - without more dithering. It's no wonder big projects don't get the go ahead, the council can't even make up their minds about a putting green! It's all another fine mess from Cllr Ashton and Cllr Ap Rees. The only question is: who is Laurel and who is Hardy?MIKE BELL - Liberal Democrat Prospective MP for Weston