Bravo!, indeed Bravo again, and three hearty cheers for Councillor Mrs Carole Wring. (I refer to an article on page 3 in the North Somerset Times dated August 23.) It seems that at last we badgers will be having a complete meal. For some years at this tim

Bravo!, indeed Bravo again, and three hearty cheers for Councillor Mrs Carole Wring. (I refer to an article on page 3 in the North Somerset Times dated August 23.)It seems that at last we badgers will be having a complete meal. For some years at this time of the year, we have had difficulty in finding a suitable starter. Nuts and raisins will be just what the doctor ordered! It will be a great help to us if they are put near the back wall of the allotments as then we can enjoy them as we come in, and before making our way along to the main course which is as ever, fresh vegetables. Dessert during the late summer/early autumn is usually a good helping of fresh fruit, if not from the allotments, then blackberries and apples from up on Wains Hill. Clevedon is a lovely place to live in; I and my large family so appreciate the kind suggestion from Mrs Wring but a request if I may; please ring (no pun intended) the changes: for instance hot soup as a starter as winter approaches would be more suitable, left in the usual place please, and even perhaps a glass of something to warm us as a night-cap.Whilst writing, would the town council please arrange for Old Church Road from the post office westwards to be traffic and dog free during the hours 10pm-6am? This will be most helpful, as running from these two nuisances with a full stomach gives a chap indigestion.Dear Old Uncle BrockName and address supplied