HOORAY, the best piece of news I have heard for a long time – Boot has pulled out of building the monstrosity that was planned for the Tropicana.

HOORAY, the best piece of news I have heard for a long time - Boot has pulled out of building the monstrosity that was planned for the Tropicana. It was hideous and would have completely ruined the seafront.

Councillor Ap Rees says "it will be tidied up, pending someone else coming forward with a practical solution". Look no further Mr Rees, contact Richard Nightingale who wanted to revive the Tropicana years ago, yet his offer was turned down. Why?

It is time the wishes of the council tax payers of Weston were listened to and who wish the town to return to its former glory, and not the whims of those with grand ideas that are not practical.


Swiss Road, Weston