I have every sympathy for Julie Batterham (Portishead Times, April 5). I live in St Mary's Road and have similar problems with the school runs, as do several other local roads. Sometimes our driveway is blocked making exit or entrance impossible. As well

I have every sympathy for Julie Batterham (Portishead Times, April 5). I live in St Mary's Road and have similar problems with the school runs, as do several other local roads.Sometimes our driveway is blocked making exit or entrance impossible.As well as drop off and collection, we have extra traffic, which comes via upper St Mary's Road and illegally turns left to take a short cut towards the High Street or the motorway.We also have many all day parkers, mainly school staff and sixth formers, which make it difficult to get in and out of our houses.The council has been asked many times to come up with solutions, and has been given many suggestions, but refuses to help in any meaningful way.Perhaps when the school building work is completed there will be better entry and exit routes, and more parking and waiting areas within the school grounds.Roll on the summer holidays.R Wilson - St Mary's Road, Portishead