IT SEEMS a pity that only about 100 people/organisations commented on North Somerset's Draft Core Strategy (comments closed last Friday) when a website response was possible and internet access is so easy for everyone now.

IT SEEMS a pity that only about 100 people/organisations commented on North Somerset's Draft Core Strategy (comments closed last Friday) when a website response was possible and internet access is so easy for everyone now.

But is that true? Those of us who use the internet all the time take it for granted and, knowing that it's available in all the libraries makes it seem that it's universally accessible.

I think otherwise I suspect that the digital divide is becoming wider and that there is a significant number of people who, for whatever reason, are becoming more and more disadvantaged and 'socially sidelined' because they cannot physically access or don't know how to use this life-changing and potentially life-enhancing technology.

What do your readers think? Might the Mercury feel that a serious survey is in order?


Hawthorn Hill
