I HAVE attended Weston carnival with my husband most years since the 90s. This year relatives from Dorset joined us

I HAVE attended Weston carnival with my husband most years since the 90s. This year relatives from Dorset joined us. They were thrilled by what they saw and had a wonderful evening. However, after the parade and without any prompting from me, they echoed a sentiment with which I go home every year:What is wrong with the people of Weston? The wonderful floats go by and not a flicker of emotion registers on any of the faces in the surrounding crowd. Our little group clapped and cheered each float and our faces were animated! We threw at least £15 in change at the collection carts and collectors' tins. Hardly anyone near us threw any money at all. No smiles, no clapping. They might as well have been watching the funeral of a total stranger. Come on Westonians, show some appreciation for the huge effort that's gone into your lovely carnival. How about some loud applause next year?MRS H CALLAGHANLombard Street, Barry, Glamorgan