I HAVE just heard that North Somerset Council has approved the plan to buy the Castlemead building in Clevedon and press ahead with its relocation plan potentially costing Weston more than 700 jobs.

I HAVE just heard that North Somerset Council has approved the plan to buy the Castlemead building in Clevedon and press ahead with its relocation plan potentially costing Weston more than 700 jobs.

These tinpot Tory politicians have treated public opinion in Weston with contempt. They have made no attempt to explain their plan to us, no attempt to persuade us of its merits and no attempt to concede any ground to those with common sense alternative ideas.

Politicians who arrogantly ignore the people they represent always pay the price at the ballot box. In the General Election this year and the council elections next year, local people will give Weston Conservatives a bloody nose. And they will deserve it.


Liberal Democratic Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Weston

George Street, Weston