I write to thank all those readers who have written in concerning the loss of the recycling facility (secondhand sales) at Black Rock

I write to thank all those readers who have written in concerning the loss of the recycling facility (secondhand sales) at Black Rock. It will help me continue the debate in council.I spoke with the operator of Black Rock when it re opened on December 18 to ensure everything was operational and raised the issue of the disappearance of the container doing the recycling sales at the council executive meeting on December 19 . I was told it was a health and safety matter. At a following meeting, Cllr Peter Burden raised the issue again, quoting the hierarchy of waste disposal ... re use, re cycle, then dump.Both he and I look forward to hearing which particular clause in health and safety legislation is involved that prevents this small but publicly useful facility from being re-introduced at no cost to ratepayers.A further argument that judgement might go against us for selling such items seems ludicrous. I can't imagine any judge even wanting to hear a case, where an item purchased from a tip, for say £5, was found to be faulty and the cause of some catastrophe.Cllr David Jolley - Portishead