THAT'S another successful week over with! I've been up and down the infamous Kewstoke toll road on 22 occasions at varying times of the day in differing driving conditions. If I take that as an average week then during my three years as a taxi driver I

THAT'S another successful week over with! I've been up and down the infamous Kewstoke toll road on 22 occasions at varying times of the day in differing driving conditions. If I take that as an average week then during my three years as a taxi driver I have successfully negotiated the 'notorious' road a staggering 3,000 times!Strange as it may seem I have never been close to losing control of my car, neither have/seen the Sand Bay bus nor a taxi disappear down the cliffs during that time. I would urge the council to look at these figures closely before spending thousands of our money on trying to protect the more hapless drivers amongst us. NAME AND ADDRESS SUPPLIED