IT WAS with great dismay that I read about the proposals of North Somerset Council to take away yet more of our civil liberties, with an extended ban on dog walkers on the beach. I think we would all like to know why? The ban from May-September is perfec

IT WAS with great dismay that I read about the proposals of North Somerset Council to take away yet more of our civil liberties, with an extended ban on dog walkers on the beach. I think we would all like to know why?The ban from May-September is perfectly acceptable, but during the winter months no one uses the stretch of beach between the Royal Sands and the Grand Pier, so dog walkers are doing no harm to anyone. The woods at this time of the year are pretty treacherous with all the mud, made worse by all the tree felling and as reported in last week's Mercury someone has allegedly put poison down, making four dogs seriously ill. The Uphill end of the beach is often covered in litter and has the added danger of cars and sand yachts.Having spoken to numerous people, we are all of the opinion that this is an extremely unfair proposal, not to mention the ludicrous fine. We are not causing acts of criminal vandalism by exercising our dogs responsibly on a public beach.SALLY PAGE - Trawden Close, Weston