REGARDING the transfer of parking services to North Somerset Council, I am concerned about the level of charges they intend to introduce. If the rates in Grove Park car park are any indication, perhaps we should all be very worried! They are excessively

REGARDING the transfer of parking services to North Somerset Council, I am concerned about the level of charges they intend to introduce. If the rates in Grove Park car park are any indication, perhaps we should all be very worried! They are excessively high when compared with other towns. The council should be concerned with encouraging visitors and trade into the town, not with lining their own pockets. Residents already pay high council tax and get precious little to show for it. It seems wrong that we should be charged again to use our own town centre.The only positive I can see coming out of this is that perhaps more care will be taken in future when removing parking bays in favour of wider pavements, exaggerated crossings and jutting corners; suddenly they will have a monetary value - no doubt many of them will be re-instated!G W BURNETT - Elmhyrst Road, Weston