LAST week the Mercury reported problems caused by smokers creeping out of pubs and clubs to light up on other people's property in the area of Orchard Street

LAST week the Mercury reported problems caused by smokers creeping out of pubs and clubs to light up on other people's property in the area of Orchard Street. Similar situations exist all around Weston, I'm told.I accept it isn't my place to tell people how to live their lives, but I do have a right to comment on the fact that anyone who can't spend three hours inside a room without going outside for a fag has to accept that they have an addiction in the same way that drug users and alcoholics have. This is underlined by the smokers' habit of blaming everyone else for their problem and inventing weird and silly excuses why they should be allowed to continue a habit that causes distress to other people.Where there is a problem caused by smokers utilising shop doorways or pavements it is not caused by the legislation but is entirely the fault of the smokers. Let's face it, spending increasingly large sums of money on something you are going to set fire to has never been the most intelligent option ... and, before you start, been there, done that, stopped!BRIAN AUSTIN - Alma Street, Weston