CAN some bright person from the Weston planning department take the time to explain to the long-suffering people of Weston what

CAN some bright person from the Weston planning department take the time to explain to the long-suffering people of Weston what the protruding pavement lumps that punctuate the length of the Boulevard are supposed to do?We've already had letters pointing out that it's now impossible to filter off and turn left, which obviously means all the traffic now backs up. So, other than that, what do these mini-enclaves actually do? Apart from putting people off coming to town and going left up hills, of course. Come on, you lot in the planning department, explain your actions like anyone in the private sector would have to do if they'd done something that made absolutely no sense at all. In the meantime, we all await your response with gritted teeth, puzzled expressions and a burning desire to go left up hills quicker.JOHN HOOPER - Via e-mail