WE have just returned from a short break in Teignmouth, which we do regularly each year. This lovely resort puts ours to shame

WE have just returned from a short break in Teignmouth, which we do regularly each year. This lovely resort puts ours to shame. We are referring to the facilities for families and children, for which we have none in Weston. Within the last two years, Teignmouth Borough Council has spent thousands of pounds on an adventure play park on part of the Beach Lawns, all fenced off and transforming a further large area with activities plus a sports and picnic area. So why not, town councillors, take a trip to Teignmouth for the day and see what they are doing? Let's get something the same, as good or better, which will attract young families to Weston. With all the open space that we have on the Beach Lawns, this could be put to better use and still leave plenty of room for such events as the Helidays.NAMES AND ADDRESS SUPPLIED