I HAVE read with disgust your article Gnomes Banned from Graveyard and wonder what Christ would have to say to these heartless shepherds of God s flock. Where is the compassion? Where is the fellow feeling for other human beings with hearts forever wo

I HAVE read with disgust your article 'Gnomes Banned from Graveyard' and wonder what Christ would have to say to these heartless 'shepherds' of God's flock.

Where is the compassion? Where is the fellow feeling for other human beings with hearts forever wounded by the passing of their loved ones? How cruel they are.

Perhaps none of them have ever lost someone close to them? If they had, they would at least appreciate (perhaps), that whatever your beliefs, it is a wound which never heals, particularly where a child has been involved.

Stating that these innocent items such as gnomes, and toys in particular, should be banned on the grounds that they 'are not real' and could cause the churchyard to become 'a total mess' not only shows an outrageous disregard for people's feelings, but only too clearly shows where their own priorities lie.

Do they not ask us to believe in things that are not part of the 'normal world'? Do they not ask us to believe in things that a lot of us don't believe 'exist'?

All over the Christian world crucifixes are worn, displayed and venerated, and yet, whilst it is acknowledged that they are mere representations of the real thing, they are nonetheless held dear because of what they represent. What the Diocese of Bath and Wells is trying to ban is what the gnomes and toys and everything else represents to the people who put them on the graves of their loved ones - what they represent.

On the subject of real flowers only being acceptable, they are obviously completely out of touch and complacent about any suffering amongst their parishioners. How sad is a neglected grave? How guilty might one feel who cannot afford real flowers or pay regular visits with flowers to a dear loved one, now gone? Most fresh flowers end up as rabbit food anyway, but who is going to replace the money which perhaps should have gone on food for the provider? Not the Diocese of Bath and Wells, you can be sure. If the church really wants people to turn to God and Christ, they should remember that Jesus taught his followers to show love and compassion - it was the Pharisees who held the people in contempt.

LYNN - Clevedon