Re article 'Theme Park Fears'. There are hundreds of households surrounding the Weston Lodge Shooting Ground who were extremely grateful

Re article 'Theme Park Fears'. There are hundreds of households surrounding the Weston Lodge Shooting Ground who were extremely grateful to your paper for voicing their concerns in the article published last week. Many residents have complained about noise nuisance over the last 10 years as the site in question has developed, but unfortunately, through a councillor rather than to the Planning Department. Outcome? Only one voice was heard. This was then compounded sadly, by the councillor's death.Add to this, because no planning permission was in place, solicitors' searches carried out by all purchasers of property in the locality have not highlighted their proximity to the activities at Weston Lodge Farm and one can understand why many neighbouring residents are feeling considerable anger and frustration. No doubt the 16,500 customers who used the facilities at Weston Lodge last year had a wonderful experience. It is well organised and has a good safety record. That is not the issue in question. Hour on hour, day after day extreme noise pollution in your own home, is.Dilly Taylor - Blackstrip Cottage, Walton Down