DOES Mike Bell think that if he became our MP he could live in Weston all the year round?

DOES Mike Bell think that if he became our MP he could live in Weston all the year round?

Is he thinking of commuting for seven hours each day? All MPs have to divide their time between their duties in Westminster and their constituencies.

John Penrose, our MP has walked the streets of Weston from even before he stood for his seat in 2001.

For more than nine years he has made it his business to understand the needs of this town.

Every Saturday morning he spends calling on residents, and they can always reach him by phone through his secretary in Weston.

Progress is being made on the drugs scene. Last week this paper reported seizing �440,000 worth of drugs.

John Penrose has worked tirelessly on this problem, recently securing the tightening of standards of inspection of drug treatment centres.

I am not surprised that mike Bell is bereft of policies after looking at the plotting and unconnected ideas flying around at the Liberal Conference but it is quite ridiculous of him to suggest that he would be a good MP just because he lives in Weston.


Partridge Close, Weston