PERHAPS the council would like to identify precisely what work is needed to repair and modernise the present Burlington Street site of the museum and at what cost.

PERHAPS the council would like to identify precisely what work is needed to repair and modernise the present Burlington Street site of the museum and at what cost.

The building, I am sure, needs some repairs but I am equally sure many, if not most of us, are prepared to put up with the displays in the present condition if it means saving the venue.

The authority has a possible �300,000 from the work that would be necessary to house any new 'attraction' in the Winter Gardens that it could use towards this work. In any event don't they want to let off the Winter Gardens as well?

Perhaps it could have used the money it recently spent on the large and intrusive signage advertising Clarence Park (East and West) and no doubt its other parks in the district. Directional signage yes but do we really need highways size signs telling us what park they are once we get there? I think not. Most of us, residents and visitors alike, know what a park looks like.

Perhaps that money could have been used to direct visitors to the present museum or would that be going against the clear intention of the council's executive to close it come what may?


New Church Road
