As both a driver and a pedestrian in Portishead, I really think it's about time someone injected a bit of common sense - and, of course, honesty - into what has become the great Battle of the Cabstand. So - could someone please tell me: What all the fuss

As both a driver and a pedestrian in Portishead, I really think it's about time someone injected a bit of common sense - and, of course, honesty - into what has become the great Battle of the Cabstand.So - could someone please tell me: What all the fuss is about? I suggest the people complaining should get some real experience of queues by moving to Bristol for a few weeks. Where does all this traffic come from? How about the 500-odd new houses being built, each new owner having at least one car to bring to the High Street shops - including the only post office left in the place!What do the complainers hope to achieve? Massive changes - like tearing lights out to put roundabouts up that need to have lights put back in again because people want to cross the road - need massive amounts of money (in this case about £1,200,000 I believe). Since this is not available, are the complainers willing to dust off their wallets and pay for it all themselves? What would they gain? Nothing - except slimmer wallets. Roundabouts cause even more queues than lights do.Whose idea was it in the first place? I understand North Somerset Council asked the developers to appoint a consultant to design the lights, which were finally approved by the executive member for planning. - who at the time was Tory Cllr Peter Burden. Who is causing the fuss now? Another Tory councillor - Cllr Jolley - presumably backed by his party colleagues. As the local MP turned up for the march, did it then become a political matter?One final question. The impressive demonstration a week or so ago was reported to involve 2,000 marchers. I stood in one of the shops watching this march, and someone else was filming it from Victoria Methodist Church. The number counted was approximately 560. Where did the extra 1,440 get to? Does all this make sense to you? Because it doesn't to me - and I only live here! M Frances