WE ARE a group of parents who have frequented the wonderful museum in Burlington Street ever since our children were babies.

WE ARE a group of parents who have frequented the wonderful museum in Burlington Street ever since our children were babies.

Most weekends and during school holidays some or all of us spend several hours there. The children explore the exhibits, involve themselves in the activities, visit Clara's Cottage or do colouring. In fact, given the choice of where to go in Weston, they will invariably make the museum their first choice.

We were all shocked and then outraged at the new plans the council has unveiled about closing the museum at Burlington Street and putting exhibits into storage until a 'newer' and 'better' museum will be opened on the seafront - in a building that doesn't even exist at the moment! How many promises have been made about buildings on the seafront to date?

Selling the building is obviously a way to make some quick money and we will quite likely never see our exhibits again. No thought has been given to the wishes of North Somerset residents - can we seriously trust this council? Drive past the derelict Tropicana and the answer to this question is apparent.

If you are not familiar with our wonderful museum please go and visit it. It is a fantastic building, full of character and history and is the most perfect setting for a museum, especially as Clara's Cottage is next door. When you visit Burlington Street you feel you are part of North Somerset's history and not just a spectator at a sideshow looking at exhibits.

It would be appalling to lose this beautiful building and unique cultural asset on the whim of some councillors looking to 'save' money. The benefits of this building to all residents of Weston and North Somerset are immeasurable in terms of community and tourism.

We must raise people's awareness by any means possible and are looking for help, support and encouragement from schools, groups, businesses, families and individuals - anyone who cares about the future of Weston and North Somerset.

The museum must continue to stay open in Burlington Street not just for our children but for their children, and for anyone who wishes to appreciate and enjoy this unique and historic building.


Mums for the Museum