IN reply to Mr Williams' letter (Dogs were racing around off the lead) I must agree with him that irresponsible actions by dog owners are deplorable

IN reply to Mr Williams' letter (Dogs were racing around off the lead) I must agree with him that irresponsible actions by dog owners are deplorable. Having two dogs myself I feel ashamed when I see dogs out of control or owners who do not 'pick up' properly and I well remember being very angry when my own children were small and were soiled with dog faeces or frightened by dogs out of control, etc.But I would like to make a couple of observations, both with regard to Ashcombe Park and to the beach in Weston.Firstly, I sometimes used to walk my own dogs in Ashcombe Park and I have to say that I found that most dog owners were very responsible and had their dogs well under control. However I wonder if anyone has noticed or commented on the amount of human litter around the park. I know of a number of dog owners who walk round with carrier bags in order to pick up litter. It is quite easy to collect a carrier bag full of sweet papers, bottles, cans, sandwich wrappers and even soiled disposable nappies in one short walk in that park. Surely that too is a health hazard?Secondly, the beach is no better. Despite the valiant efforts of our council workers each day, the beach is littered in the early morning with every article of human litter imaginable. We cannot entirely blame the scavenging habits of the sea gulls. Visitors to Weston often stroll along the beach in the early morning and more than one has commented to me on the lamentable state of the beach. Apart from the usual broken bottles, lager cans, chip wrappers, etc., this morning, the most foul smelling human excrement (or vomit, I know not which) was to be found on the steps and the wall of the Knightstone beach.Surely it's time that adults, dog owners and child owners (and some of them are both!), instead of blaming each other and trying to get each other banned, should start to work together to provide a safe and happy environment of which we all could be proud. If only we all could exercise a little self restraint and give a little thought to the comfort and well-being of others, I'm sure then that adults, dogs and kids could all get along fine together.JILL TURNER - Shrubbery Road, Weston