I HATE to be a killjoy, but I am not happy with trick or treating. If you want to have a Halloween party, invite some friends and have it in your own home

I HATE to be a killjoy, but I am not happy with trick or treating. If you want to have a Halloween party, invite some friends and have it in your own home. Do not go round in scary outfits. As for fireworks, they are very noisy and very frightening to old and young people. Those who are on prescribed medication hate these things because it hurts their ears.I would like to see fireworks sold to the right people, licensed to do displays, not in shops. Also, the times for using fireworks are not adhered to. When you try to get the police, they seem to have other things to do. NAME AND ADDRESS SUPPLIEDEDITORS NOTE: The police this year are talking to children in schools about the abuse of trick and treating as part of a campaign jointly run with this newspaper. A forthcoming edition will include posters that readers can put in their windows to deter unwanted Halloween visitors.