I AM asking this question for the second time. Does no-one bother to help? Does no-one bother to listen? Where have all the seats gone in this town? Why has the one outside the main library not been replaced? It was used every Thursday whilst waiting for

I AM asking this question for the second time. Does no-one bother to help? Does no-one bother to listen? Where have all the seats gone in this town? Why has the one outside the main library not been replaced? It was used every Thursday whilst waiting for the Sanders bus, as well as by the people waiting for the library to open! Why has the one opposite been taken away, as well as at least two on the Boulevard? Why has the seat by the Victoria Church in Station Road disappeared? If the reply is "the seats are vandalised", then concrete benches could be fixed down. This is all we need to be able to have a rest. Surely, these would not be blown up! I suspect those people who make these decisions never use seats in the town. They have comfortable cars, or armchairs!JOYCE H TAMBURINO - Address Supplied