GOING back to my old haunts at Weston recently I was pleased to pick up a copy of the Official Guide.

GOING back to my old haunts at Weston recently I was pleased to pick up a copy of the Official Guide.

In the guide mention is made of famous people connected with the town but I was surprised that no mention was made of the late Lord A V Alexander.

He was a member of the great Attlee Government and there is, or was, a bust of him displayed in the council offices' council chamber where I spent so much time at meetings in my days as secretary of the late lamented Community Health Council.

This is not the place to list the many achievements of that body but among the things of which I am proud to have played a part was the publication of two separate guides entitled 'Weston Made Easy'.

These booklets were of immense help to handicapped locals and visitors because among much information on services they also gave the door widths of premises and whether there were ramps.

This was well ahead of the current regulations on accessibility.

I hope that A V Alexander will find a place alongside Jill Dando, Diana Dors, Lord Archer and others in a future publication.


Upper Wellsway, Bath