FURTHER to the letter from Stephen Cole, I would like to support his view that Weston did play an important part in Marconi's radio experiments.

FURTHER to the letter from Stephen Cole, I would like to support his view that Weston did play an important part in Marconi's radio experiments. I refer to the article in the Bristol Evening Post of July 20, 1937 when my grandfather, Charlie Bawden, describes how he and his father John Bawden, and William Counsell helped Marconi for the three weeks he spent in Weston. He states there was a 100ft mast put up near the fort on Brean Down and that Marconi was in the boat with them half way across the bay.

The boat had an aerial from the head of the mast to the water, and Marconi sent and received signals from his assistants on Brean Down. My grandfather says Marconi let them listen to the tappings on the headphones. Following these experiments, Marconi sent signals to Lavernock Point in South Wales.


Via email