THE Conservative plan to buy an office block in Clevedon for �16million (at taxpayers expense) - and then move up to 1,000 jobs there from Weston, is the latest attack on our town by this increasingly 'anti-Weston' Council.

THE Conservative plan to buy an office block in Clevedon for �16million (at taxpayers' expense) - and then move up to 1,000 jobs there from Weston, is the latest attack on our town by this increasingly "anti-Weston" Council.

Weston has the highest rate of out commuting of any significant urban area in the south west region and the council plans to tackle this by moving 1,000 jobs elsewhere. Brilliant.

Weston has an urgent need to attract investment into the town centre and beyond, to aid regeneration and create jobs. The council plans to support this by handing �16million of our cash to a private firm and cutting back its own staff in town. Inspired.

What message does it send to the developers and investors that we want to attract to Weston when the council itself is moving out?

There are more people unemployed and claiming Jobseekers Allowance in Weston Central ward alone than there are in the whole of Clevedon. What kind of muddled thinking believes that the way to give a helping hand is to take jobs away from areas most in need?

Weston needs action to sort out junction 21 and ease the gridlock experienced by locals every day. The council seems to think the way to solve this is to add as much as 10 per cent more traffic at peak times.

Town centre businesses are struggling with the recession, the last thing they need is the council permanently taking 1,000 paying customers out of town. Even a conservative estimate would suggest the loss of hundreds of thousands of pounds in local spend.

There are so many arguments against this move and so few in its favour. Surely, surely, we can count on our councillors to make the right decision and knock this barmy plan on the head.


Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Weston