SO OUR councillors now need a 'Jimmy Cricket' to formulate training concerning sources of external funds, etc., and 'a salary of up to £26,000

SO OUR councillors now need a 'Jimmy Cricket' to formulate training concerning sources of external funds, etc., and 'a salary of up to £26,000 with generous holidays' is offered, 'funded by the Government, which means no taxpayers' money will be used'. This is an insult to the intelligence of your readers.Let's kill this before it becomes the norm, with each councillor demanding their own highly paid advisor funded by taxpayers to help them carry out their responsibilities. Out of the 61 district councillors, 57 are party nominees and as such have little option but to toe the line of the party. Only four are free agents able to speak their minds. This goes by the name of democracy, but with 61 per cent of the electorate not casting a vote seems to show there is now such a degree of apathy that even a Government audit commission can start appointing people onto the very pay- roll they audit, without any debate by our councillors!C J PEVERELLE - Edinburgh Place, Weston