FOR MANY of us, the Boulevard (pictured above) is the most attractive road in Weston; this is especially so when the trees come into blossom. It appears that this is being slowly

FOR MANY of us, the Boulevard (pictured above) is the most attractive road in Weston; this is especially so when the trees come into blossom.It appears that this is being slowly lost, as when trees are removed they are not replaced, hence there are now many empty spaces.This state of affairs seems common throughout the town. It is all too easy to take out trees, but replacements take years to grow.Trees in towns soften the look of buildings, help the environment by taking up the exhaust fumes, soaking up rain water, supporting bird and insect life and what maybe more important to owners of homes in the leafy suburbs, help maintain their price premium! Trees need care and attention like all living things. Unsafe trees have to be felled, but otherwise it is in the interest of us to stop the vandalism of trees that is taking place right under our noses. We enjoy the trees we see every day, because our grandparents had the foresight to plant them. Let us do likewise for our grandchildren.C J PEVERELLE - Edinburgh Place, Weston