ACCOMPANIED by a resident who lives on the Marina at Portishead, we walked on a very lovely sunny day along the road abutting the pontoons.

ACCOMPANIED by a resident who lives on the Marina at Portishead, we walked on a very lovely sunny day along the road abutting the pontoons. Everything was perfect apart from one (sorry many) items left by pet owners as mementos of their dogs having some exercise.

As an expert - owning six large dogs as I do - of what type of dog leaves its mess it is obvious that most of the mess is left by small dogs whose owners obviously do not know the first thing about hygiene and their responsibilities as far as clearing up the mess their dogs makes.

It is unfair for others using this area to have to look down all the time to ensure that they do not step in dog faeces and for the children it is even worst as they do not know not to step into the mess.

We all complain, and quite rightly, about anti-social behaviour but this is anti-social behaviour at its worst. My colleague told me that she had seen some weeks ago someone pick up the dog mess in a black bag and then dump it on to a grass area. When approached about this they assured her that they would be coming back that way and would collect it - it is still there.

It took quite an effort on the part of a large number of people to get some dog bins down the Marina area and there is no way that you are going to have one every 10 yards. The dog owners not only of Portishead but visitors have a responsibility to clean up after their dog; if this is not something they want to do they should not own a dog.

To all dog owners in and around Portishead we, the citizens of Portishead, are not asking for a miracle but for you to show that you have not only pride in being a dog owner but also a pride in the town.

I would ask that anyone seeing someone leave their dog mess take a photograph - if they have a mobile on them, which can be circulated.


Cabstand, Portishead