RE THE Land Train (Mercury page 3, August 30) I'm not sure it will be such a good idea as the committee member Terry Gilbert expects because for one he's expecting charges of a £1 per person but he also thinks it's good for the kids which if that's the ca

RE THE Land Train (Mercury page 3, August 30) I'm not sure it will be such a good idea as the committee member Terry Gilbert expects because for one he's expecting charges of a £1 per person but he also thinks it's good for the kids which if that's the case the fares will be lower than adults. Also, will pensioners get a concession?Maybe a day ticket or family ticket might work, but not if each time you board the train you pay a £1.I have always thought the best idea would be to use the slip road on the airfield by Flowerdown Bridge for a park and ride. It will ease congestion on Herluin Way and in town. Traffic coming off the motorway is really bad in the summer months so to come off Airport Roundabout as they do whenever they have a function on the seafront, will work well in my opinion.JOHN MCCARTHY - Via email