NOW you see it, now you don't. This has to be the motto for North Somerset Council. Remember the closure of the senior citizen's day centre, in Worthy Place? Recently, the sale of land near the railway station, our housing stock, and the proposals for the

NOW you see it, now you don't. This has to be the motto for North Somerset Council. Remember the closure of the senior citizen's day centre, in Worthy Place? Recently, the sale of land near the railway station, our housing stock, and the proposals for the sale of the Winter Gardens, Playhouse, libraries, and so on.Keep going councillors, soon all assets will be gone, and you'll be able to draw your £400 allowance each month for doing absolutely nothing. A town councillor's proposal to close the youth cafe Barcode is shameful. We should be glad to support those volunteers who give up their time to our youth, and so enrich their lives, and look to extend activities not to close them.JOHN CARTER - Addicott Road, Weston