I OBJECT to my council tax being used to clothe library assistants. I lived through the war and I was interned

I OBJECT to my council tax being used to clothe library assistants. I lived through the war and I was interned in a concentration camp. I don't want a library where I am continually reminded of our local authority who condescends to provide us with a service.A library is a bastion of freedom and should foster a creative environment. To stuff older and respectable ladies into trousers more suited to teenage rock babes is bad enough. The temperature in all the libraries I use was well over 90 degrees last year. I expect overheated staff will demand even more closures than last summer.I will not be using a library system that reminds us continually it is given to us by the grace of North Somerset. I joined in 1949 when the first libraries were created in this area. I am not supporting increased charges to clothe staff who object to wearing uniform and who should be our last bastion of free thought and individuality.MRS SELINA GAY - Via email