Reference your article in the North Somerset Times (October 4, 2006 edition). Personally, I don't see a problem with having no street lights in the early hours of the morning

Reference your article in the North Somerset Times (October 4, 2006 edition). Personally, I don't see a problem with having no street lights in the early hours of the morning I live in Backwell, where a number of residential roads do not have street lighting at all, (I live in one of those roads and have done for 18 years) and I do not see this as a problem.Cars have lights, a number of houses have external lights, (the majority of which are activated by movement) and if walking at night I have used a torch if I felt it really necessary. I don't consider we have an increased health and safety or crime problem because we live without street lighting, but I do consider it a plus when it comes to light pollution and energy savings. In the early hours of each morning there are very few people about and I would say the majority of those are driving. So I am all for turning the lights off. Mim House Via e-mail