NICK Harding questions (November 12) why modern Christian men and women believe in the Bible and put their trust in Jesus.

NICK Harding questions (November 12) why modern Christian men and women believe in the Bible and put their trust in Jesus.

There are currently nearly 25,000 manuscript copies of the New Testament from the early years mainly found since 1945 with some important ones in the British Museum and others in universities and museums across the world. One fragment is dated within 50 years of the original and whole Bible books within a hundred years.

Scholarly consensus today dates Paul's letter between AD50 and AD66 with the first three Gospels written between AD50 and 70, with John's Gospel around AD80-90. That is easily within accurate memory span of a people trained to remember. Clement, writing from Rome in roughly AD90 quotes from many of the New Testament books.

Irenaeus writing in about AD180 speaks of the four Gospels and most of the other books.

Irenaeus writing in about AD180 speaks of the four Gospels and most of the other books of the New Testament. Forgeries came centuries later and Christians today recognise them for what they were. Borrow from the public library The Origin of the Bible by FF Bruce or Jesus without Religion by Rick James for more details.

I worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ, forecast in the Jewish Scriptures and found in the New Testament and yes, I put my trust in him.


Balmoral Way
