Nailsea School Rebuild: The location of the new Nailsea secondary school is concerning many of the local residents. At the moment

Nailsea School Rebuild: The location of the new Nailsea secondary school is concerning many of the local residents. At the moment the present footprint of the school is ideal because there is a buffer between the school and most residential properties in Horwood Road, Ash Hayes Road, Ash Hayes Drive and Station Road, etc. It makes no sense to rebuild the school closer to a residential area which collectively, significantly predates the school. It should be perfectly feasible to locate the new school on part of the existing footprint, therefore minimising the need to build on the playing field.Specialist surveys which are now being undertaken to assess the best location for the £28.9 million school need to explore all the possibilities for the rebuild not only on the playing field but also on part of the present footprint.There is also a good opportunity to do something about the blue sports hall which blights some of the houses on the southern perimeter of the field. Also there is an opportunity for North Somerset Council and the town council to add some additional funds to provide the town and the school with a modern swimming facility which Nailsea deserves and needs. In the medium to long term this will not only be a tremendous asset to the town but be more cost effective than running outdated facilities.District Councillor Andy Cole Nailsea East