I negotiate the section of Nore Road at various times, as a pedestrian, as a car driver and as a motorcyclist. Since it is residential" on both sides it certainly needs a proper pedestrian pavement, and preferably two. However, this should not lead to n

I negotiate the section of Nore Road at various times, as a pedestrian, as a car driver and as a motorcyclist. Since it is "residential" on both sides it certainly needs a proper pedestrian pavement, and preferably two. However, this should not lead to narrowing of the roadway. Nothing else is necessary. While it is true that there are several hazards in the immediate vicinity, this does not make it "dangerous." It is only people who are dangerous. The more "difficult" a piece of road appears as one approaches, the more respect it receives. As you say, there have been no accidents. One can negotiate this piece of road in reasonable safety at the legal speed limit. It is the straighter parts of Nore Road which encourage careless road users to exceed the limit. Above all, we do not need fancy brick road surfaces, humps and white paint. These things always add unnecessary hazards for motorcyclists, especially in wet conditions. If you could remove the metal drain covers which are there already it would be a help - car drivers don't have to think about such things but when you are on two wheels they are critical. For the sake of the mums with pushchairs and the school kids, the authorities might like to add a pedestrian-controlled crossing, but for goodness sake choose a place where the view is good on the approaches.John Osborn - Via e-mail