I LIVE near the seafront in Weston and love to look across the bay at this time of year.

I LIVE near the seafront in Weston and love to look across the bay at this time of year.

Whilst looking out to sea it has come to my attention, again this year, about a factory across the water, in Wales. Every calm day you can see a thick cloud of yellow pollution emanating from the chimney from the Welsh factory. It hangs thickly across the bay all day long.

I am writing to ask if anyone else has noticed this as well?

It can't be healthy for us Weston residents to have such a large volume of pollution constantly hanging over us. After all, it has to come down somewhere.

I would be very interested to know where we stand, as residents, over this constant bombardment to our environment.

We don't even know what this smoke is.

So next time you walk along the seafront have a look for yourself at it. I will also be trying to make contact with the environmental authorities to ascertain its origins.


Manilla Crescent, Weston