THE Mercury reports that North Somerset Council wants town and parish councils to take over public toilets or it will close them. I am not sure how this game

THE Mercury reports that North Somerset Council wants town and parish councils to take over public toilets or it will close them.I am not sure how this game of pass the parcel with services and facilities helps anyone. The taxpayer foots the bill one way or another, so does it really matter who is in charge?What does matter is that we keep these facilities open. Over the years many public toilets have already been closed. Places where you can spend a penny are now few and far between.But if we are serious about being a tourist town and a town that wants to attract shoppers and visitors, we need to make sure the basic facilities are available.Surely, when North Somerset spends hundreds of millions a year and the town council wants a 50 per cent increase in its tax take, a few public loos isn't too much to ask for?MIKE BELL - Liberal Democrat Prospective MP for Weston-super-MareGeorge Street, Weston