MAY I through your paper thank some lovely people who recently helped me to improve my quality of life after my stoke. First there is Sarah Gooding from the Steddy and Gooding disability shop in Whitecross Road, extremely helpful and friendly, who advised

MAY I through your paper thank some lovely people who recently helped me to improve my quality of life after my stoke. First there is Sarah Gooding from the Steddy and Gooding disability shop in Whitecross Road, extremely helpful and friendly, who advised me how to proceed with claims to the Royal British Legion as a veteran.The welfare section of the Somerset branch then set the wheels in motion with their local officer, county officer, physiotherapist and board members so that I am now the proud owner of an electric scooter that enables me to go out and about and I can enjoy seeing more than my armchair. May I also thank the many good friends who pop in to see me to cheer me up.KENN KING - Moor Croft Road, Weston