FORTNIGHTLY bin collections? A cynical ill thought out policy that is being foisted on us as a positive step. The reality will

FORTNIGHTLY bin collections? A cynical ill thought out policy that is being foisted on us as a positive step.The reality will be a vast increase in fly-tipping and frustration from law-abiding citizens who will be harassed and charged more and more as they attempt to do the right thing and dispose of their waste properly.I despair of a Government that happily sub-contracts a national problem of waste management to local authorities who are expected to re-invent the wheel over and over again, doing local deals with contractors, expecting householders to sort and recycle a random selection of materials whilst threatening sanctions if they don't play along with their charade.Target driven bureaucrats slap themselves on the back when some spurious 'target' has been met, oblivious of the thousands of tons of waste exported to third world countries. The technology to take mixed, unsorted household waste and to recycle everything has been around for decades. It is now time to bite the bullet and pay for it.TED FINERAN - Via email