I felt compelled to write in to express my disgust and anger at this utterly ridiculous suggestion. Whoever thinks of these 'bright' ideas doesn't take into account those of us who have several children in our families. We are a family of five, our chil

I felt compelled to write in to express my disgust and anger at this utterly ridiculous suggestion. Whoever thinks of these 'bright' ideas doesn't take into account those of us who have several children in our families.We are a family of five, our children are young, and we regularly put out at least five sacks of rubbish. To expect us to stash up to 10 sacks and put them out once a fortnight is bordering beyond belief. Hygiene issues come to mind, we have magpies living in the woods near us that rip open bin bags and rubbish is strewn everywhere, not to mention the wildlife that lives in the woods. This will encourage rats, mice, foxes and all sorts of scavenging creatures with diseases and I for one, do not want my children put at risk because the council can't be bothered to collect our rubbish. If this is the council wanting us to recycle then it will fail miserably as we do not have a minute spare to go sorting through our rubbish and I will probably end up taking my rubbish up to the tip myself. Others may not feel so inclined and I am sure there will be an increase in fly tipping.Please residents of North Somerset, put pen to paper and protest!Anne Nailsea