BRILLIANT! At last! A council which sees sense and listens to the public. Fantastic! The suggestion that the proposed sea defence scheme is pretty daft is the best news the Weston public has had for a long time. Those of us who took the trouble to lobby

BRILLIANT! At last! A council which sees sense and listens to the public. Fantastic!The suggestion that the proposed sea defence scheme is pretty daft is the best news the Weston public has had for a long time. Those of us who took the trouble to lobby the previous council, not to mention the seafront traders, were all ignored, despite the fact we all said the same thing. The scheme was unsuitable and would ruin Weston seafront, not to mention it would be totally useless and therefore a complete waste of money. This is a great start for the new North Somerset Council, and I am sure many of us will look forward to other great things.MS J M MASSA - Bristol Road Lower, Weston