I FEEL I must respond to your headline story in last week's paper. I have run the cafe in Grove Park for the last five years, and in that time I

I FEEL I must respond to your headline story in last week's paper. I have run the cafe in Grove Park for the last five years, and in that time I can only recall three incidents involving the bands and as you put it, aggressive gangs of yobs.The incident that Sunday involved not more than five lads aged about 12 to 13. I gather this from a member of the band who came to see me after they stopped playing. She said a football had been kicked into the bandstand, in her words, not deliberately. The ball was not returned to the lads, so one then ran off with a jacket.You also stated last year the RAFA band rose spontaneously to fend off a group of yobs. Incorrect. The RAFA band did not play in the park last year. The incident happened after a World Cup match had finished on TV and a group of men, not young yobs, came into the park from a local pub and started to play football. They were asked to leave by the public and they did. The band playing that day was the Redland Wind Band.You also stated other bands are seriously thinking of stopping playing. I have not been informed of any. To the contrary, I have a list of bands who want to play. This weekend there are two concerts. The bands are now so popular the season has been extended through September.It is about time the media in this town looked on the positive side of life in the parks. This year there has been up to now 12 band concerts, three music festivals, and a Punch and Judy show. These events have been enjoyed by thousands of visitors, with no sign of trouble. One of the concerts, The Unsigned, was put on for the youth of Weston, not one incident of trouble reported.Grove Park is now one of Weston's gems. It is enjoyed by locals and visitors. The comments I get from visitors is "We have nothing like this in my town". It's a credit to Weston.If I had to pick on a negative note, the problem people in the park are the so-called responsible dog walkers, who let their dogs foul the grass and let them run in the flowerbeds. Only this week a regular dog owner let her two go in the flowerbed. I asked her if she would remove them, her reply was "It's their right to use the flowerbeds". And it's not the minority either.JOHN HORLER - Cafe in the Park, Grove Park, Weston* Burnham and Highbridge Town Band's musical director David Fisher said this week: "I can assure everything printed in last week's paper was correct. We stand by our comments absolutely.